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Prioritize maintenance and repairs by routinely inspecting your submerged and buried infrastructure. Deep Trekker makes these inspections easier than ever before with intuitive, portable and cost-effective equipment.
Prioritize maintenance and repairs by routinely inspecting your submerged and buried infrastructure. Deep Trekker makes these inspections easier than ever before with intuitive, portable and cost-effective equipment.
We use this ROV extensively doing pipeline surveys, and for water tower inspections. the maneuverability and portability are huge pluses. and the video quality is better than that on our larger (and much more expensive) unit. overall, an excellent piece of kit.
We use this ROV extensively doing pipeline surveys, and for water tower inspections. the maneuverability and portability are huge pluses. and the video quality is better than that on our larger (and much more expensive) unit. overall, an excellent piece of kit.
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September 12th, 2024
Inspiring the Next Generation of Marine Scientists with ROVs
January 29th, 2024
Deep Trekker's strategic expansion into the UK & Ireland market reflects...
October 5th, 2022
Inspecting turbine blades is critical to plan maintenance and avoid downtime....