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Exploring the marine world by means of diving has been growing in popularity since the 16th century when people began to use dive bells supplied with air from the water’s surface. Since then, humans have continued to push the boundaries to dive deeper and see further while below the surface of the water. It’s incredible to think that in the past century, technology has developed so much so that humans who are not meant to survive underwater have been able to swim with rare marine species, live in an underwater community for several weeks and reach depths not thought possible 100 years ago.
While many of us in this world share the same passion for underwater exploration, dive ventures are not a simple matter of throwing on equipment and getting in the water. Though the collective, “We” have been learning more and more every year about the lakes, oceans, and species that live within them, the marine world is a foreign place to humans and every time someone puts on a dive suit to explore the depths there are a number of associated risks that they accept.
That is why both scuba and salvage diving are taken very seriously and require training courses to ensure that everyone who dips into the depths of the oceans know how to handle certain situations and possible challenges that can be faced underwater.
In this post, we are going to discuss how diver courses, at all levels, can be improved with the acquisition of a mini-ROV for the course.
Whether you are looking to build a career out of diving or simply want to be able to explore the immense beauty of the underwater world, there is a dive instruction course right for you. PADI, the world’s leading scuba diver training organization, with more than 6200 dive centers and resorts worldwide is the most widely known dive certification organization in the world. They offer dive certification courses at a variety of levels to ensure that everyone who takes the plunge is equipped with the essential skills needed to perform a safe dive. PADI explains that Scuba certification includes three phases of training.
Talk to us about enhancing the training methods in your dive certification course with ROVs
So, as you can see adding a mini-ROV to scuba training courses can be highly beneficial in a number of ways. From recording footage for the pre-dive training, to giving students a first-hand view of how they are doing while underwater, to adding an extra element of safety during the open water dives, mini-ROVs are great tool for diver certification courses.
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