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Aqua-Cage Fisheries is a Northern Ontario Aquaculture enterprise that harvests rainbow trout for the consumer market. Aqua-cage employees working at the farm receive fingerlings from hatcheries in Southern Ontario. They monitor, observe and feed them in the open waters of Georgian Bay. Ensuring that the farm's structure and protocols are maintained for optimum health is an important task.
Last year, Aqua-Cage Fisheries acquired a Deep Trekker DTG2, mini-remotely operated vehicle (ROV) to help with their sub-surface tasks. Deep Trekker Inc. is a Canadian company that manufactures and sells remotely operated underwater inspection systems and pipe crawler inspection systems around the world. The first ROV unit was sold to a fish farm in Norway in 2011. The use of Deep Trekker's ROVs has been growing tremendously in the aquaculture market ever since.
Kana Upton is an Aqua-Cage biologist. In the interview below, she answered a series of questions from Deep Trekker (DT) regarding their farm and the use of the Deep Trekker DTG2 ROV system there:
With the Deep Trekker, I wheel one box around. The unit requires maybe 20 seconds to get in the water. The best part for me is not having the constant sounds and exhaust fumes from the inverter. The Deep Trekker is completely silent top-side. Plus it’s fast in the water! Really fast! We are currently getting a modification added to our unit that will allow us to check nets quicker and more effectively.
Operating within Canada, we have found that shipping across the border is very costly and usually involves lengthy shipping times. Having units that continually need servicing adds up quickly! In addition, the Deep Trekker is much cheaper than using divers. It is also more functional than divers because bottom time is not limited. Experienced operators can use the units all day, every day.
Talk to us about using ROVs to inspect the condition and health of your fish farm
A special thank you to Kana Upton and Aqua-Cage Fisheries for taking the time to answer our questions and share their experiences with the Deep Trekker DTG2 ROV system.
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