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December 23rd, 2021
ROVs and sonar can be used to inspect underwater structures such...
April 17th, 2018
Solving Aging Infrastructure: Europe and Worldwide
November 7th, 2024
When it comes to any large purchase, it’s important to weigh...
Deep Trekker ROVs record high definition videos and 8 megapixel photos to a SD card that is onboard the handheld controller. The handheld controller also has HDMI, Ethernet and USB outputs that can be used to display the video on larger monitors, on laptops and to livestream the footage. Footage can be live streamed through internet-connected devices utilizing broadcast software (many options available!).
The DTG3 ROV is depth rated to 200m (656') and the REVOLUTION is depth rated to 305m (1,000'). Each system that we sell is tested to the depth that it is rated for in our pressure tanks.
It is die-cast aluminum anodized and powder coated for extreme durability in salt and fresh water. If you are diving in salt water, it’s always good to give it a fresh water rinse afterwards.
What is the Deep Trekker Patented Pitching System? There is a reason our ROVs are spherical, we use an internal semi-circle frame to mount the batteries and electronics for the ROV, which is connected to the outer shell. When the ROV is in water, gravity holds down the internal semi-circle weighted frame, we activate a servo motor, and the outer shell with our main thrusters can rotate a complete 180 degrees. This is what our patented pitching system does, and provides unmatched maneuverability to pilot the ROV into confined spaces. The camera is mounted independently, so you are able to rotate 270 degrees no matter what direction the ROV is going.
We have designed a completely portable system, by putting lithium ion batteries inside the ROV and controller. With batteries on-board, there is no power going down the tether, reducing the diameter and potential drag or need to bring along a generator to your dive site.
Deep Trekker ROVs and controllers last for up to 8 hours on a single charge. Controllers can be plugged in during operation to extend their operating time by several hours.
REVOLUTION batteries are swappable so you are able to have a spare set charged to keep you operating throughout the mission. We also offer a topside power module if you wish to use the REVOLUTION continuously and power it from a 110-240 VAC power source at the surface.
Our ROVs have a full colour 700 HD camera, designed for low light with 0.001 lux. The camera rotates around the entire body of the ROV 270 degrees. Allowing you to look up, down, behind as you drive the ROV. You may also upgrade the internal camera to Full HD recording.
The ROV cameras will see as well as a human eye underwater. If the water is extremely murky, you will need to rely on other means to navigate and perform the inspection. Sensors for heading and depth can tell you what direction you are moving through the water, which is helpful to get to a single target; however these sensors do not tell you your position. Acoustic technology such as USBL Positioning can tell you where you are underwater but users will be unable to visualize what is underwater. The best tool for murky water operations are sonars. We highly recommend equipping a sonar to a ROV when operating in murky water, giving you a viable option for performing most inspection and survey tasks. Click here to learn more about how sonars work >.
All Deep Trekker ROVs come equipped with shadowless, dimmable LED floodlights. These lights are highly efficient to minimize the impact on battery life when engaged. We offer additional lighting options for dark, enclosed missions where sunlight cannot reach or for during night time operations. The DTG3 comes standard with 1000 lumens of light and the ability to have up to 5400 lumens. The REVOLUTION comes standard with 8400 lumens of light and can be equipped with up to 11,800 lumens.
The ROV’s handheld controller comes equipped with a 7” LCD display. The high definition and bright display offers a portable yet high quality viewing experience for one operator. There are times however, when you may want a larger monitor to display video to a group of viewers. The handheld controller comes equipped with an HDMI out port, along with Ethernet, SD and USB ports. This allows you the flexibility of connecting to other devices. Alternatively, the ROV records video and photos to an SD card. The SD card can be easily removed and then connected to other devices for viewing.
Simply give the ROV a fresh water rise after a dive in salt water, and keep the batteries charged. Since we have no dynamic seals to grease or parts to replace regularly, there is very little maintenance at all.
This is a common question, however the answer isn’t as simple as just a number or a specification. The answer depends on the application. In general, ROV inspections and surveys can be broken down into two main categories; swimming to a single point or doing a thorough evaluation of an entire area. When swimming to a single location, an ROV is able to take on more current because the flight path it takes to get there does not matter - as long as it gets to the target. There are tools to help guide you, such as USBL Positioning Systems, Imaging Sonars or even Heading and Depth Sensors. The DTG3 ROV can fight through up to 2 knot currents and get to a target, while the Revolution can fight through up to 3 knot currents.
When performing a thorough survey, the DTG3 has Active Yaw Stabilization, Auto Heading and Auto Depth functionality that help it keep its course and stay on a steady path, however without the vectored thrusters that are featured on the Revolution, you are best to perform surveys with the DTG3 at slack tide, in 0.5 knot to 1 knot currents. With its vectored thrusters and greater power, the Revolution is able to fight against current in any direction and perform thorough evaluations in up to 2 knot currents.
It is important to note that the amount of tether deployed makes an impact on the ROVs ability to fight current. The more tether deployed, the more surface area for water to drag the ROV. Deep Trekker’s battery powered ROVs utilize thinner diameter (5mm) tethers than topside powered vehicles - this is beneficial as the drag effect increases exponentially with thicker tethers. The DTG3 is most effective when it has deployed less than 300m of tether. If over 300m, it is best practice to operate in lower currents. The Revolution is very capable with the tether deployed even up to the 800m amount.
The tether has a 150 kg (300lbs) break strength, so there is no problem lifting the ROV by the tether. You can lower and raise the ROV by the tether and retrieve objects with the grabber arm by pulling up on the tether.
Grabbing and lifting objects from underwater is a common application for Deep Trekker ROVs. There are a few different ways that our customers utilize our vehicles to lift objects. First is to grab onto the object and pull up by the tether. The tether break strength is 150 kg (300lbs), which is your limitation for weight when you pull up by the tether. When grabbing onto an object and swimming with it using the ROV, the limitation depends on the dimensions of the object. The DTG3 can lift up to about 2 lbs and the REVOLUTION up to about 8 lbs. The last common method for recovering objects is to hold a carabiner in the grabber and hook or tie the object to a line, using the line to recover the object. The method is typically dictated by the object you are aiming to recover.
Sensors give you an on-screen display of heading, depth, water temperature, pitch, roll, camera angle, and battery levels.
Yes, as long as the accessory is within 40 grams of neutral buoyancy it will not affect the ability of the ROV to maneuver throughout the waters.
Deep Trekker's DTG3 is the most portable option, deploying out of a single case in under 30 seconds. It is ideal for getting eyes underwater quickly and easily, and can support virtually all of the same add ons as our REVOLUTION ROV. The REVOLUTION is best for higher current scenarios or when you wish to utilize many accessories and add ons on the same ROV. The REVOLUTION also has a deeper depth rating, greater stability, lateral movement capability and station holding, higher top speed and more thrust power. Compare the packages more here
Each of our vehicle packages come with a tether between 50 and 400m in length. We are happy to customize any vehicle order for your needs.
For the ROVs, we offer tether lengths of 50m, 75m, 100m, 150m, 200m, 300m, 400m, 500m, 800m. For pipe crawlers, we offer tether lengths of either 200m or 400m. For the DT640, we offer tether lengths of 75m, 100m, 150m, 300m and 400m.
Longer tethers can require larger reels, contact us for a quote and the reel requirement for the length you prefer.
We have taken our ROVs on planes as checked bags many times before! Our customers also regularly travel with our robotics on planes.
Always check with your airline's weight restriction policies before arriving at the airport, as some of our vehicle configurations may be over the weight limit (typically 26-36 kg). If this is the case, we see many customers split the weight between bags or cases.
Our robots also utilize lithium ion batteries, which have undergone rigorous testing procedures. We have the utmost confidence in our battery reliability and have documentation including test reports, UN38.3 MSDS forms and other forms that may be requested at the airport in order for the robots to fly.
The DT340 and DT320 are both extremely portable and easy to operate pipe inspection crawlers. Both are steerable, battery operated and depth rated to 50m (164'). The DT320 is meant for operations in smaller diameter pipes and the DT340 for larger diameters.
Deep Trekker crawlers are very flexible systems, allowing you to record data in whichever format suits the deliverable you plan to give to your customer. For quick, simple inspections, you can plug a small digital video recorder into the handheld controller and record the video files to a SD card. For thorough pipe inspection reports, we integrate with the world's leading software providers, including WinCan. Add a laptop or control console to your operation and you're able to generate complete reports out of a completely portable system.
We offer a variety of wheel options, tether reels and more. Compare the packages further here >
After a complete and thorough product delivery inspection, pressure test, drive test and submerged test, we pack each crawler into rugged Pelican cases and ship them via air freight in most cases. For single systems, there are no skids required as the cases are on wheels and weigh less than 100 lbs.
Our DT320 can fit into as small as a lined or slightly deformed 6" (150mm) pipe and is able to center its camera in up to 12" (300mm) diameter pipes.
The DT340 is ideal for 8" (200mm) and larger pipes. In its smallest configuration, it can fit into lined or slightly deformed 8" (200mm) pipes. With the modular robotic elevating arm, the DT340 can raise its camera head up to the center of a 36" (900mm) diameter pipe.
There are different wheel options for different pipe scenarios. The standard rubber tires are best for general purpose use in concrete or iron pipes. Carbide tires provide more grip in clay or plastic (PVC) pipes. Tracks are best for larger diameter corrugated steel or other large diameter pipes with large amounts of debris like mud, sand, gravel, etc.
The batteries last up to 8 hours and only take 90 minutes to recharge. For customers who want to have longer battery life available to them, they typically will buy a second crawler body to swap out while the other is charging.