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At some point, I'm sure we've all done it. Leaned over the boat and there go your sunglasses - or kicked a tool off the dock into the water. Everyone has a story of that one unforgettable day when there cell phone went for a swim, never to be seen again. Yes, it seems inevitable that the waters will steal an item or two from us, but it is also a seemingly great plan for those trying to conceal evidence.
I've seen crime movies - and learned the best way to hide evidence is to throw it over a bridge into the lake or river below. Traditionally, the use of divers is one method to search water ways for evidence, but not only is this extremely costly but its also dangerous for divers to be going into these unknown situations. Meaning, a lot of times it is too hard for police to search and find potential evidence underwater.
Although, now that remotely operated vehicles (ROVs) like the Deep Trekker DTG2 and DTX2 are accessible to small police forces, teams can rely less and less on a dive team scouring the bottom of a lake for a suspected lead to their case.
Last week we were out with the Deep Trekker DTG2 Worker ROV, fitted with our sediment samplers and discovered a lost ring. With a couple of quick maneuvers we were able to successfully retrieve it, without ever having to get in the water. Not only was it an area where we were not able to scuba, but it was also easier to see with the Deep Trekker ROV, with much less silt being disturbed in comparison to a human.
Watch the video below to see how the sediment samplers were used with the DTG2 Worker ROV.
We opted for the sediment samplers due to the small size of the object, opposed to the grabber claws which are much better suited to retrieve large objects. The sediment sampler is not only great for picking up smaller things, but as the name suggests - it was originally designed for the research industry to collect soil samples.
Researchers with the Deep Trekker ROV, can now perform their own research investigations themselves - rather than hiring third parties to collect their data for them. With an affordable price tag, it makes sense for environmental researchers who need to collect water, soil, or specimen samples to have a DTG2 Worker and Sediment Sampler in the fleet of tools.
All in all, being behind the controls when we discovered the lost ring felt like a great accomplishment, and I hope you have the opportunity to experience it yourself as well.Use the DTG2 Worker ROV and Sediment Sampler for Water, Soil, Specimen and Small Object Retrieval.
Comment below with anything you've found while exploring the underwater world.